Behind the scenes tourism

1m23s into our Green Economy explainer animation, one character refused to sit down nicely.

In a DIY- and tutorial-culture, it is fitting to allow a glimpse into the kitchen, every now and then. In our native Dutch, the concept of “disaster tourism” has a broader meaning than in English, including the tendency of curious passers-by to stop and watch the aftermath of some accident or any other kind of tragic occurrence, pausing their business-as-usual for entertainment derived from another’s misery. We want to share a couple of souvenirs from our ventures into the 3D environment of Maxon Cinema 4D that didn’t always went according to plan. I don’t think being a disaster tourist to one’s own screw-ups is necessarily a self-destructive attitude, especially in cases of accidentally exceeding the limits of an intended creative goal. Sergei Eisenstein, one of the founding fathers of auteur cinema, regularly mused over the protoplasmatic quality of animated films. The world of animation allows any physical object or creature to contort, stretch and morph, beyond any limits of rigid reality.


Oh, hello. Reference animation for a 2D thing. In case you’re wondering why this one’s included here: the neck wasn’t supposed to do that.
The balloon that wouldn’t pop. Check out the kitchen scene in our Kammerspielgifs project to see what we were trying to achieve here.
Nothing going wrong here. It’s just scary in wireframe view. From the super short film A Walk In The Park.
Another “walk in the park”. Since the goose was of a fairly simple design and wouldn’t need to perform extremely complex action, I thought, instead of properly rigging an entire internal skeleton, maybe I could cheat. Not a good idea.